Build with us

Build faster, bigger and better. Together.

As a future founder, you work with our team to complete a rigorous validation process and co-found a company together.


Harness our world-class expertise, equipped with an understanding of advanced growth strategies.


Harness our world-class expertise, equipped with an understanding of advanced growth strategies.

CTO Recruitment

In need of a technical co-founder? We stand by your side to help you find the right match.


We assist you in finding a dedicated team to support your growth, for the long term.

Idea Validation

Have an idea but unsure about market demand? Our Future Founder program assists you in validating your concept.

MVP Developement

We accelerate your path to the market with the necessary resources to build an MVP.

Start & Financing

We help you setting up your business and offer access to pre-seed capital and financing services to get you started.

CTO Recruitment

In need of a technical co-founder? We stand by your side to help you find the right match.

Studio Team Support

For the first 6-12 months, we provide you with a dedicated studio team. You can focus on building your product.


We assist you in finding a dedicated team to support your growth, for the long term.

Investor Events

Secure funding and build valuable investor relationships during our events.

Idea Validation

Have an idea but unsure about market demand? Our Future Founder program assists you in validating your concept.

Start & Financing

We help you setting up your business and offer access to pre-seed capital and financing services to get you started.

Studio Team Support

For the first 6-12 months, we provide you with a dedicated studio team. You can focus on building your product.

Investor Events

Secure funding and build valuable investor relationships during our events.

MVP Development

We accelerate your path to the market with the necessary resources to build an MVP.


Harness our world-class expertise, equipped with an understanding of advanced growth strategies.


Harness our world-class expertise, equipped with an understanding of advanced growth strategies.


Harness our world-class expertise, equipped with an understanding of advanced growth strategies.

Shaping the future of work with true market validation

Our mission is to provide great entrepreneurs with proven models and infrastructure to create companies that will shape the future of work. We partner with co-founders that have the right drive and mindset in order to transform visionary business ideas into tangible realities.  

Our Stages


Bring your own idea to the table or generate new ones based on our extensive market research database

4 weeks


Bring your own idea to the table or generate new ones based on our extensive market research database



Explore the market and your network to figure out if the freshly found sparks can become future superstars.

4 Weeks


Interviews, design sprints and prototypes lead to a clear solution worth paying for.

4 Weeks


In the Shape phase, we're assessing core assumptions, a challenging 10-week journey toward success.

10 Weeks


With incorporation and tools in place, we build a strong foundation, engage customers, and deliver the product.

8 Weeks


Now it’s about improving tools measuring success, and building customer loyalty for lasting growth.

12 Weeks


Automated onboarding, seamless outreach, €10k MRR pave the way for external investments.

14 Weeks

IPS team photo

next venture

We’re always looking for new Entrepreneurs in Residence. Are you ready to shape the future of work?

Hot topics

In our digital age, ever-evolving cyber threats demand ever-advancing defences. Within our quest to reshape the way people work, we recognise the paramount, and growing necessity for excellent cyber security for people and organisations. Through exposing organisations’ vulnerabilities to cyber attacks, identifying counter measures, and installing preventative solutions, a visionary approach to protecting companies and their employees through penetration testing is born. A safe, reliable, and secure digital environment is essential to advancing society in the digital plane. Through an innovative mindset in preventative cyber security, a safe space for organisations to innovate and venture further using technology can be fostered.

Reinventing the global workforce demands navigating the tricky balance of automation's rise while ensuring fair opportunities for all. The impact that the globalisation of the workforce has on the way teams organise, communicate and collaborate across timezones, geographies and cultures reshapes the way people work. By building efficient, effective, and connected hybrid teams is crucial for creating smarter, more efficient and more enjoyable physical and / or virtual working environments. Innovative mindsets in accelerating towards a global workforce will be instrumental in sculpting how organisations boost results, preserve culture and maximise employee engagement in a hybrid world.

Revolutionising HR & Recruitment

A crucial challenge in HR & Recruitment today is harnessing AI's efficiency without sacrificing human connection, striking a balance between automation and personalisation. In line with Builders’ quest to reshape the way people work, HR & Recruitment plays a pivotal role in not only building invincible teams, but also in fostering a culture of innovation, diversity, and inclusion. Within talent acquisition, employee engagement, and organisational development, innovative HR practices will be instrumental in sculpting the future of how organisations attract, support, empower and retain their workforce.

Innovating Operations Through AI

The challenge in workplace operations is optimising efficiency without compromising employee well-being or sacrificing the human touch that fosters a thriving organisational culture. In our quest to reshape the way people work, we recognise the tremendous impact AI automation will have on resource allocation, employee productivity, and business processes. The employee of the future is AI-supercharged, empowered and inspired to work with and focus on their strengths. Workflow management and a visionary approach to helping employees 10x their output can skyrocket employee productivity, which will be instrumental in helping employees and companies thrive in a future that is AI-enabled.

ESG Monitoring Software

Operating buildings are a big contributor to global emissions. Of recent, landlords have experienced pressure not only from European government regulations but also from society and investors, to measure their property’s sustainability. A real-time data monitoring platform that allows landlords to manage their operations, utilise energy more efficiently, cut expenses, make better investment decisions, and support their own sustainability and health goals as well as those of their tenants can greatly help facilitate this movement.


What does Builders look for in co-founders?

At Builders, we seek visionaries driven not just by the desire but by the necessity to innovate. We strive to solve real business challenges with founders who’s have the background and potential within their problem space. We admire traits like ambition, resilience, and a knack for execution—qualities that align with our mission to transform work into joy. Dive deeper into our founder's philosophy here.

How do we find founders?

Our search for founders is proactive and community-driven. We engage with potential founders through industry events, referrals, and direct applications on our website. We look for a blend of passion, vision, and determination, aiming to foster a mutual discovery process that aligns our goals and values.

How many founders get through?

Annually, we connect with 2.000+ founders, around 12 join our universe. This selective process ensures that we dedicate our resources and core team to founders who share our vision for disruption and success, making every journey with Builders impactful and meaningful.

Where do the ideas come from?

Ideas at Builders are born from collaboration between our team and founders, inspired by market needs, real business challenges, technological advancements, and our first hand experience. We believe in co-creation, valuing the unique insights each founder brings to the table, turning ideas into problems worth solving into solutions worth building.

What is the journey of a Builders' founder?

Your Builders' journey is a fast-tracked, 18-month journey from concept to launch, supported by up to €300k investment from us. We cover the essentials: idea validation, MVP development, securing the first customers, team building, and more, ensuring a smooth sail towards independence. Learn more about our process here.

How involved is Builders with each startup?

Builders is your co-pilot, empowering with hands-on support in product development, strategy, and funding, to name a few. We're committed to building strong, financially independent companies, providing resources and guidance while fostering a collaborative environment.

What expertise does the Builders core team bring?

Our core team is your dream team, covering everything from product and design to legal and funding, all aimed at empowering you to build a successful, independent company.

Where is Builders located?

Builders' headquarters in the heart of Rotterdam, The Netherlands, offering a vibrant ecosystem for our founders. We’re collaborate onsite in a collaborative atmosphere, essential for brainstorming and strategy sessions. Not to mention the other entrepreneurs you surround yourself with.

How is founders' equity split?

Builders empowers entrepreneurs firstly as a co-founder and secondly provides support, resources, and investment to create a company that can attract the right type of funding. Equity is split to reflect each party’s value and contributions; the studio retains around 30% of the fully diluted equity after leaving the studio and raising funding. From that point on the studio and the founders get equally diluted.

Is it worth 30%?

The value we bring to the table justifies our equity share. Beyond financial investment, we offer a comprehensive support system, access to a network of industry experts, and a collaborative workspace designed to accelerate your journey from idea to independence. After securing funding the studio core team will support the company for months to come.

After independence, what next?

Upon independence, you're at the helm of the company, with Builders as a committed shareholder, supporting you towards your next milestones.


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